Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sweet Progress

The stairs are in and so is our electrical. As expected, the view from the second story is excellent. For a little icing, the builder also started framing our kitchen island. Check it out:

The stair railing will eventually have plexiglass in the middle. For now it looks like this.
The beginnings of the kitchen island and a nice view of Joel's carport which, by the way, will make one heck of a movie screen once we're settled in.

The upstairs view; similar to the downstairs view only better.

And, finally, electrical things. Don't you wish your wires were hot like mine?

There was a big pile of stucco mix in front of the house this weekend. Hopefully that's coming next and soon.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Stairs and Superdogs

We had a bit of a lull in construction while the builder was waiting on the last of our windows to arrive. While they waited for the windows, our hot and cold water lines were installed and they built our stairs. Unfortunately, none of these additions to the house are particularly photogenic. What this really means is that I haven't taken any pictures of the house in a while.

So, in the meantime, and in an effort to trump Joel's puppy pictures, here's a picture of a dachsund in a superman outfit that Jamie and I saw at Mardi Gras:

Special thanks to soon-to-be neighbors Jason and Carrie for letting us tag along to New Orleans.