Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Holy Sh#t Our House Is Done!**

**Jamie does not approve of the title to this posting.

We closed yesterday. Now all we have to do is move, paint, unpack and open up a revolving line of credit at Home Depot. We're gonna have a lot of good Saturdays. Here's a few more pics of the finished exterior and plexi in the loft. We'll post some more once we get the furniture in and get the innerwebs all hooked up.

Plexi on stairs and loft railing:

We had a visitor the other day. Nice complement to the stucco:

That's it for now. Hopefully the next posting will be an open invitation to a gigantic party.


sybil said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! It looks great, love the plexi, look forward to seeing it!

Mark said...

Congratulations! It's hard to believe you finally closed. Now you can experience the joys of home-ownership. They are slightly better than the joys of home-building, I'm sure.

Marv & Chris said...


We're moving to the neighborhood and just set up our blog, which seems to be some sort of neighborhood prerequisite. We're moving into 7308 Annette Cove, assuming everything goes as planned, and we're chronicling the big move here: http://www.agaveguys.com/.

We look forward to meeting you!
-Marv & Chris

P.S. I hope we don't seem terribly unoriginal posting this exact same comment on all the Agave neighborhood blogs, but it seemed like the simplest solution.

john said...


john said...
